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The Stationers' Company
The City of London Livery Company for the Communications and Content Industries


April 2021

Mourning HRH the Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh

Mourning HRH the Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh

13 APRIL 2021

The Stationers' Company mourns the death of HRH the Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh and we hold Her Majesty the Queen and all the royal family in our thoughts as they grieve. 


LivCom's Literary Evening on 30 March 2021

LivCom's Literary Evening on 30 March 2021

6 APRIL 2021

On Tuesday, 30 March Freeman Nina-Sophia Miralles was our Cocktail Hour guest. Mike James, in introducing Nina emphasised the talent amongst the ever growing number of Young Stationers and how important they are to the future of the Stationers Company.



LivCom's Literary Evening on 18 March

LivCom's Literary Evening on 18 March

5 APRIL 2021

On 18 March Mike James and  the Livery Committee welcomed Richard Ovenden to one of the Stationers' Company's "Literary Cocktail Hours”


March 2021

The Stationers' Company bids farewell to the Clerk

The Stationers' Company bids farewell to the Clerk

31 MARCH 2021

On 25 March the Company gathered via Zoom to thank William Alden for his service as Clerk over the past eleven years and to mark his retirement on 31 March.


Copyright - convergence and divergence

Copyright - convergence and divergence

17 MARCH 2021

On Wednesday, 10 March,  91 Stationers and their guests "zoomed" in to hear Shira Perlmutter, the Register of Copyrights and Director of the US Copyright Office and leading intellectual property advocate, Daniel Alexander QC, discuss how to protect  intellectual property online and the intellectual property issues surrounding Artificial Intelligence.  


200+ Club Latest Winners

200+ Club Latest Winners

9 MARCH 2021

The latest 200+ Club Winners are announced


Monday, 8 March - International Women's Day

Monday, 8 March - International Women's Day

8 MARCH 2021

The Stationers' Company is delighted to receive notification of the BPIF's acknowledgement of International Women's Day.  The theme of the day is Choose to Challenge and the BPIF has  chosen to challenge diversity across the industry.  With the BPIF's permission we are pleased to share this with you.


Storytelling for creative and social entrepreneurs Industry Committee Event in association with Creative Entrepreneurs

Storytelling for creative and social entrepreneurs Industry Committee Event in association with Creative Entrepreneurs

8 MARCH 2021

Freeman Benedict Richards reports that  72 attended this open event collated by Liveryman Linda Drew who brought together three speakers for this stimulating and varied set of presentations.


The Annual Inspection of Past Master Richard Johnson's Grave

The Annual Inspection of Past Master Richard Johnson's Grave

8 MARCH 2021

Past Master Christopher McKane writes:

I made the annual inspection on behalf of the Company of Past Master Richard Johnson's grave at St Mary Hendon this afternoon, Wednesday, 3 March  2021.


LivCom Literary Event on 18 February  2021- Court Assistant Doug Wills

LivCom Literary Event on 18 February 2021- Court Assistant Doug Wills

1 MARCH 2021

Such was the interest in this event which promised to be fascinating that 116 people registered for it and of those some  81 actually attended.  Doug Wills, Editor Emeritus of the Evening Standard, did not disappoint! 


The Stationers' Company and London Press Club Annual Debate  - Trust and the Media

The Stationers' Company and London Press Club Annual Debate - Trust and the Media

1 MARCH 2021

Court Assistant Doug Wills, the Press Club’s chair, said the debate had been prompted by a Reuters Institute report that trust in the media had “eroded worldwide”.


February 2021

Stationers' Company Industry Committee Packaging and Sustainability Seminar 10 February  2021

Stationers' Company Industry Committee Packaging and Sustainability Seminar 10 February 2021

23 FEBRUARY 2021

Liveryman Robert Sanger and the Stationers' Company Administrator, Lucie McCord, report:

On 10 February 2021, over 80 members and their guests attended the ‘Packaging and Perceptions of Sustainability’ Industry Committee event, held in association with BPIF Cartons. We gathered virtually to listen to a panel of six packaging experts, discussing the current state of play for the packaging industry as well as providing insights into the future of packaging.