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The Stationers' Company
The City of London Livery Company for the Communications and Content Industries


For  information about the Stationers’ Company  please refer to the Introduction to the Company  page on this website.

Stationers' Innovation Excellence Awards - seminar

Innovation Seminar paves the way towards the Innovation Excellence Awards

30 MARCH 2021

Shine School Media Awards 2021 - entries being accepted

Entries are now being accepted for the annual Shine School Media Awards for the most inspirational school print and digital media platforms produced by secondary school pupils. Judges are expecting creative ideas showing how pupils used their ingenuity to keep communicating despite many having to work from home. Covid themes may dominate, but surprises are expected.

25 MARCH 2021

The Stationers' Company launches Innovation Seminar

26 FEBRUARY 2021

Stationers' Innovation Excellence Awards - Judges announced

Two new judges join the panel of judges for 2021


Stationers' Innovation Excellence Awards 2021 Launch

The Stationers' Company announces the launch of the 2021 Innovation Excellence Awards

25 JANUARY 2021

Warrants Programme - Flexible Closing Date

29 OCTOBER 2020

September 2020 Stationers' News

5 OCTOBER 2020

Launch of the 2021 Warrants programme

1 OCTOBER 2020

Vision 350 to go ahead

Announcing the decision to proceed with the Vision 350 Hall redevelopment


Save the Date for the start of the Warrants Programme

16 JULY 2020

The New Master of the Stationers' Company

The Right Reverend Dr Stephen Platten is installed as Master

7 JULY 2020

Stationers Launch Apprentice Futures Website

Apprentice 20 cancelled but in its stead a brand new website!

5 JUNE 2020